Adam4EVE    Station Income history   v0.0.17
ESI available TQ: 16981

The A4E tracker pulls several times within an hour the order book of a structure. For the income estimation new orders that haven't been seen in the previous pull are taken and a 0.1% broker fee of their ISK value (= price * quantity) recorded. NPC stations are calculated with 3% fee.

This value is inaccurate since a) orders may be filled very quickly that the tracker doesn't see them; b) the broker fee is not 0.1% and c) there are exceptions of the broker fee for individuals.

Income history of player structures
Date From Buy order From Sell order Total
2024-09-10 574.889.052 310.051.854 884.940.906
2024-09-09 839.512.733 4.910.633.079
2024-09-08 3.146.573.015 474.772.204 3.621.345.219
2024-09-07 1.443.804.589 358.892.337 1.802.696.926
2024-09-06 464.074.113 1.665.362.661
2024-09-05 987.204.318 588.865.122 1.576.069.440
2024-09-04 3.844.502.149 484.059.768 4.328.561.917
2024-09-03 2.303.749.159 341.053.162 2.644.802.321
2024-09-02 3.913.285.536 751.530.511 4.664.816.047
2024-09-01 255.441.834 116.847.589 372.289.423
2024-08-31 2.391.848.044 258.131.913 2.649.979.957
2024-08-30 1.842.507.298 352.082.239 2.194.589.537
2024-08-29 990.934.425 689.757.735 1.680.692.160
2024-08-28 4.314.223.790 299.279.891 4.613.503.681
2024-08-23 361.770.446 155.772.224 517.542.670
2024-08-22 2.540.749.645 315.571.985 2.856.321.630
2024-08-21 779.456.285 4.031.472.746
2024-08-20 147.792.320 11.505.114 159.297.434
2024-08-19 4.950.394.590 800.978.789 5.751.373.379
2024-08-17 2.285.851.478 439.444.749 2.725.296.227
2024-08-16 5.682.725.406 1.375.829.235 7.058.554.641
2024-08-15 439.895.090 446.874.621 886.769.711
2024-08-14 3.829.324.095 953.538.958 4.782.863.053
2024-08-13 1.694.886.337 614.749.062 2.309.635.399
2024-08-12 3.966.938.181 625.900.299 4.592.838.480
2024-08-11 2.050.417.522 503.283.087 2.553.700.609
2024-08-10 3.443.204.295 642.072.989
2024-08-09 2.614.503.905 1.210.824.496 3.825.328.401
2024-08-08 896.285.585 562.160.222 1.458.445.807
2024-08-07 1.464.479.072 655.439.778 2.119.918.850
2024-08-06 394.180.726 524.413.716 918.594.442
2024-08-05 4.655.075.534 5.741.247.595
2024-07-31 1.819.014.790 264.726.097 2.083.740.887
2024-07-30 1.220.552.144 4.385.849.867
2024-07-29 1.326.606.131 828.768.554 2.155.374.685
2024-07-28 1.238.706.419 503.955.973 1.742.662.392
2024-07-27 1.006.995.963 921.954.502 1.928.950.465
2024-07-26 438.093.321 635.821.706 1.073.915.027
2024-07-25 2.755.276.389 1.518.387.564 4.273.663.953
2024-07-24 1.794.525.498 1.555.751.836 3.350.277.334
2024-07-23 2.879.316.268 801.958.918 3.681.275.186
2024-07-22 1.556.181.620 394.955.845 1.951.137.465
2024-07-21 784.448.693 412.039.755 1.196.488.448
2024-07-20 1.311.806.035 729.292.388
2024-07-19 3.243.344.214 1.085.556.193 4.328.900.407
2024-07-18 2.013.949.350 815.288.350 2.829.237.700
2024-07-17 3.833.910.250 498.905.877 4.332.816.127
2024-07-16 2.456.096.047 1.006.521.267 3.462.617.314
2024-07-15 4.411.455.412 1.110.344.963 5.521.800.375
2024-07-14 1.269.373.616 405.875.690 1.675.249.306
2024-07-13 836.536.172 323.958.168 1.160.494.340
2024-07-12 963.083.062 549.775.620 1.512.858.682
2024-07-11 4.642.812.327 5.880.880.093
2024-07-10 826.109.706 418.484.526 1.244.594.232
2024-07-09 4.106.682.627 452.995.639 4.559.678.266
2024-07-08 1.149.541.190 1.020.447.350 2.169.988.540
2024-07-07 425.876.218 235.880.322 661.756.540
2024-07-06 1.208.758.098 531.690.486 1.740.448.584
2024-07-05 2.065.404.734 644.469.620 2.709.874.354
2024-07-04 2.121.319.178 932.063.029 3.053.382.207
2024-07-03 3.036.968.684 1.548.171.043 4.585.139.727
2024-07-02 1.513.459.398 1.349.467.794 2.862.927.192
2024-07-01 1.713.923.581 2.913.952.354
2024-06-30 1.999.815.403 3.123.861.247
2024-06-29 2.279.448.865 1.304.881.468 3.584.330.333
2024-06-28 1.523.102.449 1.326.300.385 2.849.402.834
2024-06-27 990.334.807 486.041.475 1.476.376.282
2024-06-26 4.439.074.787 460.659.480 4.899.734.267
2024-06-25 1.297.772.229 817.100.333 2.114.872.562
2024-06-24 998.645.979 1.426.983.562 2.425.629.541
2024-06-16 3.384.337.837
2024-06-15 2.929.215.003 308.687.216 3.237.902.219
2024-06-14 2.956.896.737 948.080.814 3.904.977.551
2024-06-13 4.510.600.308 1.093.447.050 5.604.047.358
2024-06-12 917.183.466 1.033.398.086 1.950.581.552
2024-06-11 788.925.348 1.661.775.950 2.450.701.298
2024-06-06 564.155.954 442.752.102 1.006.908.056
2024-06-05 4.395.363.431 1.032.882.147 5.428.245.578
2024-06-03 3.493.353.902 862.501.481 4.355.855.383
2024-05-31 165.971.438 179.481.639 345.453.077
2024-05-30 1.217.897.148 1.424.001.001 2.641.898.149
2024-05-22 995.127.941 829.722.504 1.824.850.445
2024-05-17 765.376.904 336.173.448 1.101.550.352
2024-05-16 3.275.867.452 1.294.926.817 4.570.794.269
2024-05-15 677.891.674 513.725.544 1.191.617.218
2024-05-11 4.091.655.585 724.441.099 4.816.096.684
2024-05-10 961.683.824 873.333.418 1.835.017.242
2024-05-09 2.285.856.148 670.218.663 2.956.074.811
2024-05-08 539.358.612 511.395.361 1.050.753.973
2024-05-06 261.510.728 141.011.435 402.522.163
2024-05-05 4.783.950.296 455.410.216 5.239.360.512
2024-05-04 549.122.065 388.315.545 937.437.610
2024-05-03 747.711.005 744.901.713 1.492.612.718
2024-05-02 344.085.124 146.731.740 490.816.864
2024-05-01 935.320.353 2.162.522.094
2024-04-30 3.386.509.197 883.013.004 4.269.522.201
2024-04-29 754.374.059 413.511.518 1.167.885.577
2024-04-28 2.423.424.450 3.563.613.843
2024-04-27 2.043.404.351 616.839.276 2.660.243.627
2024-04-26 4.501.890.400 1.048.982.728 5.550.873.128
2024-04-17 527.741.254 676.911.829 1.204.653.083
2024-04-13 2.364.887.348 817.288.081
2024-04-12 359.418.320 300.849.164 660.267.484
2024-04-11 649.339.541 3.845.346.427
2024-04-07 744.408.797 2.851.531.507
2024-04-06 947.168.693
2024-04-05 2.149.643.481 598.155.093 2.747.798.574
2024-04-04 4.375.354.421 1.555.932.568 5.931.286.989
2024-04-03 80.488.525 75.468.801 155.957.326
2024-04-02 671.321.525 789.815.343 1.461.136.868
2024-04-01 2.381.111.226 302.445.348 2.683.556.574
2024-03-31 2.934.622.367 788.697.742 3.723.320.109
2024-03-30 4.066.933.163 997.038.158 5.063.971.321
2024-03-29 1.728.414.360 568.512.522 2.296.926.882
2024-03-28 474.588.823 4.506.605.675
2024-03-27 802.203.842 777.539.319 1.579.743.161
2024-03-26 1.922.907.890 574.220.070 2.497.127.960
2024-03-25 4.313.219.574 869.544.647 5.182.764.221
2024-03-24 1.867.834.550 600.431.208 2.468.265.758
2024-03-23 4.654.633.233 771.370.799 5.426.004.032
Daily income history Broker fee income per day
Buy order income Sell order income Total income Top 20 public player controlled structures
Income history sum Sum of past broker fee income
Buy order income Sell order income Total income Top 20 public player controlled structures

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